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How To Care For 2-Wheeler Batteries?

  • 25 June

Is the headlight dimming and the horn not working? Slow and shaky movement of the starter? And what about those clicking sounds when you try to start your bike?

These are some tell-tale indicators that your battery is not in good working order and needs to be serviced.

A bike battery is a key component that starts your bike and supplies energy to other components. While a bike battery is what keeps your bike in good working order, it is also critical to ensure that the battery is properly maintained.

Here are some useful two-wheeler battery suggestions to help your bike’s battery life:

Do Visual Inspection

Every three months, you should visually inspect your two-wheeler battery. (Set reminders if you tend to forget.) Look for loose or broken terminals that could cause deadly short circuits. Check the exterior for any dangerous cracks, leaks, bulges, or splits, which indicate that your bike’s battery needs to be replaced.

Top up at regular intervals. For 2-wheeler conventional batteries, add distilled water to the electrolyte cells. The electrolyte levels should be kept between the upper and lower limits stated on the container of typical lead-based batteries. Use only distilled water.

Keep the terminals clean

The battery terminals from Daewoo India and surrounding regions should be thoroughly cleaned to avoid corrosion, which can cause issues while starting the bike. Maintain a constant level of dryness. Cleaning regularly helps to avoid the collection of dirt and sediments, which extends the life of the automotive battery over time.

Keep the battery charged regularly

Regular charging is essential for automotive batteries, even when not in use for extended periods. Discharging the battery in an idle condition is hazardous to the battery; thus, charging the battery every month, even if it has not been used for a long time.

Recommended: Best Bike Battery

Ensure that the battery is dirt-free

Maintain a clean battery by removing dust, filth, and contaminants that accumulate over time. These should be cleaned with a clamp brush and battery cleanser. To keep the cleaner from entering the cells, make sure the vent covers are tight. Clean the bike battery using a moist towel, followed by a dry towel.

Additional Read: Top 10 Bike Battery Brands in India

Signs Your Two Wheeler Needs a New Battery 

Here are some signs that your two-wheeler might need a new battery:

If you notice several of these signs, it’s probably time to get your battery from Daewoo Electronics checked or replaced. Regular maintenance can help prevent many of these issues.

Get the best ones at the most affordable bike battery price.

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